Friday, October 17, 2008


"sus·pen·sion –noun
1.the act of suspending.
2.the state of being suspended.
3.temporary abrogation or withholding, as of a law, privilege, decision, belief, etc.
4.stoppage of payment of debts or claims because of financial inability or insolvency.
a.the state in which the particles of a substance are mixed with a fluid but are undissolved.
b.a substance in such a state.
6.Physical Chemistry. a system consisting of small particles kept dispersed by agitation (mechanical suspension) or by the molecular motion in the surrounding medium (colloidal suspension).
7.something on or by which something else is suspended or hung.
8.something that is suspended or hung.
9.Also called suspension system. the arrangement of springs, shock absorbers, hangers, etc., in an automobile, railway car, etc., connecting the wheel-suspension units or axles to the chassis frame.
10.Electricity. a wire, filament, or group of wires by which the conducting part of an instrument or device is suspended.
a.the prolongation of a tone in one chord into the following chord, usually producing a temporary dissonance.
b.the tone so prolonged.
12.Rhetoric. the heightening of interest by delay of the main subject or clause, especially by means of a series of parallel preceding elements.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Greetings Rugby Universe

"If you're never scared or embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take any chances." - Julia Sorel

Goodness my dears! I have been busy!! I'll try to stick to chronological order soooo..
Met up with Graydog last week in Chinatown so he could tell me in person that I am on back burner while he sorts himself with his ex. As we kissed (gods we kiss well together) goodbye, I could only think: STUPID BOY. Told him when she leaves he is welcome to call and if we are both still single and keen.. Right.
The next day I went to Manchester for work for 5 days. Fashion week- ooooohh. :) I was on a mission to pull (at least I said I was) but when my colleagues asked what I wanted, I got sad. A colonial. Tall, dark hair, laid back, big dick.. Bit specific, no? Shout out to Reuben and Graydog for being my type. Frankly, I was not in the mood to conquer anyone so ended up throwing a couple guys out of my hotel room and coming home aspen (pure as the the driven snow, baby). I couldn't be asked to come straight home so stayed at my silver fox's for the first night and then went to my rugby coach to see what would develop. He's my physical type no doubt but I was shocked that the boy is possibly more perverse than me! Brilliant. Never fisted a man's ass before! TMI?
I'll see him again soon. I left his after buying more charlie to keep me conscious and silver fox picked me up in a taxi. We headed off to South London to look at a flatshare for me where I can start again, away from the mental Albanian issues. I will know by the end of the weekend if I am moving. After the flat tour, silver fox and I ended up in a trendy gay bar while I got texts from my twin. He wanted me to come home so came out looking for me. When he came up with his mate and put his arm on my shoulder, I was truly scared there would be trouble but my companion was cool and I slipped off into the night to be controlled. My twin says he is having me watched and I am not sure. He has me escorted whenever possible and always seems to know more than he should but, come on, who has the time to follow people around?!
So, I am going away for the weekend with silver fox, hooking up next week with rugby coach, and trying to soothe my wild twin tonight. Life is exciting, my sweethearts, and as always very, very good.