Matteo left for a ski trip the next day so I stayed in his home for the weekend without him. I appreciated his generosity and trust but missed him very much. I stayed in to sleep the next night and (Sue says this is not stupid but I dunno) the only way I could rest was curled around Matte's shirt from the day before. He wears Victor and Rolf's "Antidote". It has become a comforting smell to me. Odd considering our history, no?
The next night, I decked myself out in full "chapette" style. I wore a black button-down, belted dress and one of Matte's beautiful ties. I also wore CriCri's watch. He may choose not to be with us right now but he is still constantly a presence for us both. I put on my soft driving gloves and grabbed an umbrella. Smart, I thought while appraising myself in the mirror.
The evening was mad. Aren't they all, my darlings? I ended up dancing with a big group of kiwis who had been at it since 14:00! Tables got knocked over, my umbrella got stolen, we did shots called "Cocksucking Cowboys", I snogged a guy that later told me he wants to have a family with me. Whew. His name is Justin and he's really a sweetie. I felt the next day as though a large lorry had taken a few passes over my head and chest. Ick. I bought ingredients for dinner (red lentil and butternut squash curry) and felt better. Matteo was only about half an hour late getting home (some kinda record) so we ate while he told me his stories from the weekend and they included drunken kung fu but I am telling my stories here not his. :) My mobile was jingling every few minutes from the kiwis so I decided to go out for a bit. First, and more importantly, I shagged my lover to exhaustion and left him smoking a spliff on the couch. I headed to the Pitcher and Piano. It was wall to wall in there and as soon as I got in the door, a guy took my cap. Now that cap was my Daddy's before I was even born so that just would not do. I took it back and got a drink. I escaped to the back of the pub to await my new mates. As I said, it was crowded so I asked two laid back looking guys if I could share their 4-topper. Sure, one said in a kiwi accent. Geez, I thought. Has London been completely taken over by New Zealanders? He was friggin' smokin' hot so I watched a little cricket with them and we all danced a bit. My phone rang but my new friend, Reuben, asked me to just forget it and hang with them. I am an outta sight outta mind kinda gal so that sounded fun. Reuben and I drank tequila out of each other's navels in the VIP room while my phone continued to vibrate with messages that were becoming stroppy. We two took off for the Havana Club. I was wearing the white boots with steel peg heels that Janos got me in Munich and they are wicked sexy but the heels screw out so with long walks, it can get ugly. I was trying to explain so Reuben turned me up against a post box and told me to spread 'em. Have you been bad? He asked. Of course, I smiled. How bad? He was screwing in my heel for me and I couldn't help but get excited (tongue in cheek, of co
urse:)). The Havana Club was even more full of people so we got a drink and found an obliging window sill for my rear so we could snog without people tripping over us. He's a really good kisser and way hot so it was fun but I knew I needed to get home to my beloved so we hopped a cab together. I told him the truth about my situation so he sent me a text before sleep that says: "Good night beautiful. Nice to meet you. Let me know when you want to give monogamy a try. XX " Sweet, right? I haven't seen him since but I have seen Justin twice. I really want to shag Reuben in my little flat as the first but we seem to be unable to get on the same schedule. Should I hold out for him?

So I asked the master, Ghalib, the other day how to choose the men I keep and the ones I cull (I mean honestly- I just have way too many at this point!). He said this: "The preacher's boisterous reprimands threw salt on my wounds. Would someone please ask him, 'What savour you got out of it?'" Hmmm...
I will have dinner with my lovely Matteo tomorrow night. I look forward to it. In my thank you note I said: "Aspetto senza il respiro per i baci de mia bestia."
I meant every word.