Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Girl Interrupted

"My darkness, are you lonely? Only listen, and I will listen to you. Only watch me, and I will watch into your eyes. Only know that I am awake and aware of you, only be my friend, and I will be your friend. You need not ever fear; or ever be lonely; or ever want for love." - James Agee

Well even the best laid plans go awry, they say, so I guess it shouldn't crush me so much that I am not in Italy right now soaking up the sun. I probably shouldn't have been so hard on Cri for cancelling last minute either but I am thoroughly sick of being messed about. I have pretty much decided that there is a law of nature at work here. It seems that every time I am accommodating or overly kind to a man, they take advantage. If I am stand-offish and unattainable, they grovel and chase like hungry dogs. I am, of course, aware that this epiphany for me is old school knowledge but I guess I just wanted to believe that human relations in one of the largest and most cosmopolitan cities on earth would be more evolved. Stupid kitten.
So who is the front runner on the guy front this week? My silver fox, no doubt. Here are the reasons: we shopped well together at Whole Foods and I cooked a palatable but not brilliant meal for him which he did not over compliment or get too disappointed over. Easy honesty- how novel! We've had two hot shags since I last posted and he was perfectly ok with the fact that I was way hotter the second time when I was off my face on charlie and even tried to stay up all night with me after. He is generous, fun, and asks about my interests in detail. We've both dreamed of owning restaurants and spend alot of time discussing ideas. He is much more practical than I am so the discussions are well-balanced and very interesting. He's a good guy. We'll just have to see how things progress.
So this weekend is going to be a wild one! Two birthdays: wild Yorkshireman is turning 22 and a gal friend is having a blow out party as well. Since I have had I think 3 all nighters in the past week or so, I am laying low until then. I spent Saturday night on a drug combo that would've terrified me in the past! Yikes! Your Gattina now needs her beauty rest!
The quote I used in today's post is Roo-related. It's sad and stupid but I am still yearning. I know it will cease eventually but when, darlings? When?