"The path to our destination is not always a straight one. We go down the wrong road, we get lost, we turn back. Maybe it doesn't matter which road we embark on. Maybe what matters is that we embark." - Barbara Hall
Well, I am moved into my new place and change is in the air. My twin is on the naughty list for lying to me, Silver Fox is on the naughty list for being rude to me, and Rugby Coach is on the naughty list for breaking plans with me last minute. Gattina is not tolerating any nonsense these days! Spent last weekend in North Wales at Portmerion. Should've been the coolest weekend ever (You all know what a HUGE Prisoner Series fan I am, right?!) but I spent it fighting with Silver Fox. Rude wee man. I made him get his own room. All of this arguing with my harem has had the horrible side effect that I have not shagged in, umm.. weeks?! How can this be?! No wonder I am having sex dreams about Graydog! Haven't heard from him at all. -sighs-
Soooo.. my flatemates are all Aussies and hanging with them is fun. Especially the incredibly cute man of the house. I better watch that, shagging flatmates can lead to all kinds of silly problems! Guess I better go out and pull soon so I don't get myself in trouble! I don't think I've ever used that excuse for pulling but, hey it's proper. Got to get back to work, lovelies, but I will start updating regularly again now. Ciao!