Friday, September 12, 2008

It Wisnae Me!

"How use doth breed a habit in a man!" - William Shakespeare

Ok, Ross and I are back from Scotland and crawling all over London! There's nothing like having a guest to make you appreciate where you live. Today we walked over London Bridge and, even though I have crossed this bridge many times, I was truly aware of it for the first time.
Yesterday, I had lunch with my silver fox while Ross shopped in Bond Street (sometimes he's sooooo Italian, my brother!) and we realised too late that September 11th was perhaps not a good day to visit the American embassy. Sorry, but over here it's really not on the radar and even my American brother looked up quizzically and asked why the flag was at half-mast. Oops. We went back up to one of my favourite pubs to chill and wait for my dealer. Good to catch up with him and I managed to also meet a rugby coach who also teaches music (THE HAKA IS THE SEXIEST THING ON EARTH! and made a date for next week. Habits: I must say that mine are omnipresent! Hehe.
Ross and I are trying to settle for a kip before hitting the city for our token club night. I can't wait to be wandering down the streets of Fulham (or Clapham, or Brixton, or Vauxhall) giggling our buns off, pissed as rats and broke!
We were to hang with mia bestia tonight but he has had a horrid flu for days so we'll maybe just check in on him at his before tearing up this town! As my schoolteacher says, Rock and Roll!