'And while the law of competition may be sometimes hard for the individual, it is best for the race, because it ensures the survival of the fittest in every department.' - Andrew Carnegie
I just adore my suitors! My cousin continues to press me and tempt me and logic me into commitment. He is married but separated. In my mind, until his divorce I am fair game sooooo...
I lost my bartender for refusing to get serious and decided to give internet dating services a go. I have been buried under e-mails and 'winks' ever since! Where in the devil have all these single men been hiding?! I had an absolutely lovely date on Sunday with a gorgeous guy who I really like. My brother says we two are a proper 'match'. How many other people have I met since high school Latin who say 'semper ubi sub ubi'? Yes, our Gattina is a sex kitten but at her core she is pretty geeky as well. So what makes a great date?
He was 15 minutes late because he couldn't resist buying a giant pumpkin at a roadside farm.
I mentioned on our walk that I hold hands with my brother often and my date took the cue and my hand.
He kissed me gently... and then not so gently...
He liked watching me cook and held my waist while I was at the stove.
He had seconds.
Together, we explained geeky Latin jokes to my brother.
He listened.
He talked.
We kissed.
I am seeing him again this evening and looking forward to it. I am also taking him to a Samhain party on Saturday. I am going as a zombie and he is going as my chew victim. Hehe. I am slated to meet a delectable doctor this weekend as well but have no idea where to fit him in! Ummm, so to speak...