'Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.' - Ernest Hemingway
Waiting can be so very uncomfortable. I am sick to death of the American passport office and am starting to think they are just taking the piss! Let me stop that wasted anger now. They don't care if I am angry.
I am running, writing, and watching the weather change. I read over e-mails from 2001 to present last night and felt very humbled by how much I have been loved and by so many! I then remembered Krishna telling me has never truly loved a woman (even his lovely wife of 9 years) and I stopped. Giving yourself to others without restraint is a choice. Sometimes we waste our efforts but if we really give, can we lose? I don't think so. This is a passage from 'Fear of Truth' written by a very talented poet named Kelli Factor Gibson. I am honoured to name her as a friend.
'Tell me what you want me to know.
Not what you think I want to hear.
It changes not, my love for you,
And I do love you, not just in words.
I love you with my heart, from a place no one has yet touched.
A place I keep, selfishly for you.
I love you with appreciation, kindness, caring, warmth, fondness, devotion, acceptance, loyalty, abandon, desire, friendship.
I love you with anger, hatred, loss, pain, longing, wanting, jealousy, obsession, fear, rebellion, regret, betrayal.
I love completely, wholly, possessively.
My love is neither good nor bad, for it encompasses all things.
As we accept other's and ourselves, good and bad, so too, should we accept love.'
When we give everything, that includes the ugly bits. It is too sad that people are so arrogant as to expect only our best sides, the ones that don't hurt and fight and cry. How did they become so entitled?! No one can meet such expectations and no one should have to. I ask you all to bring a bit of tolerance into your adventures. I will try to as well. I wouldn't want a 'perfect' lover and I wouldn't want to be one. Well, let me qualify... I would like to be a perfect lover but not a perfect person! Hehe. Innit. :)