Saturday, November 8, 2008

A Frog Non-Prince

"She had an unequalled gift... of squeezing big mistakes into small opportunities." - Henry James

Ok, here's what has been going on this weekend so far. I have started shagging again and last night, I was on a mission to get me some colonial action so I went to the bar in Fulham where I first saw Graydog. I think I am the only girl ever to go to an Aussie bar looking for colonial action but still ending up with a European. A good looking, smooth talking, arrogant.. ok it probably suffices to say he was French. He dragged me off to the Sugar Hut where we skipped the queue and were given a reserved table near the band. Hot music and the evening started taking shape when he went to the loo and came back tasting of charlie. I had some on order anyway so we ended up with a total of 4 g's which we took back to his. He is an investment banker and has a gorgeous flat. We did ALL the charlie, drank some vodka, and fooled around a bit. He had offered to pay for the stuff I bought so I didn't panic about the fact I had only 5 pounds in my pocket and no work until Tuesday. We were ridiculously high so the Frenchman gave me a couple sleeping pills that I still haven't recovered from. When we half-woke up, he made us eggs that were pretty much icky on my upset tummy so I went right back to bed after. He wanted me to stay all day (or even forever) but I really wanted to get home so when I was able to stand, I asked him to put me in a taxi. He said he only had 10 quid in his pocket and was unwilling to go to a cashpoint. I just stared at him. Such a gent, right? Fucking tosser.
I wandered up to the P&P (where I met Reuben) and watched the Allblacks kick the pants off Scotland for a bit while waiting for Silver Fox to come rescue me. I was (and still am) a wreck from the night before but my Fox is the soul of patience.
I texted with the Frenchman a bit and the fact is, the sex was pretty good and I have a strange attraction to his inconsiderate attitude. We'll see how it goes.
I still want a colonial soon so I will give it a try next week. Can't be asked tonight- bloody sleeping pills. Spending the day with Silver Fox tomorrow and look forward to a relaxing day of shopping and watching movies. One last thought on today- Kahui is a force of nature! Allblacks!!