Monday, May 26, 2008

Going for a Ride

"'No, I don't love you. But you have got under my guard. You have moved and touched me, in a way in which I no longer care to be moved and touched. You are like a nerve I had managed to deaden, and I am annoyed to find it coming to life. I shall do my utmost to kill it off again as soon as possible. After all, I am not in the business of losing my centrality." - Anita Brookner

Back to business, then. Spent a wild weekend with Boris and my good pal, Charlie. Bought some cute stuff at Camden Market yesterday and recovered today. I am in 'Random Kiwi Dude's' flat doing a little post-coital writing. I think of Reuben constantly but I'm sure it will pass. I went to a gallery this afternoon where 'RKD" is thinking of buying some pieces. Felt back in my element. Not happier, just comfortable. Gods, I long for Roo. Please, let me be numb...
I will screw around a bit this week so hopefully you will not have to read my bleeding heart bullshit anymore. Sex, drugs, and all that stuff...