Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Messy, Messy...

'In other words, nobody had the vaguest idea what would happen here, except that some people were going to get hurt...' -Hunter S. Thompson

Another day, another drama. So Krishna reached out to me, awkward with intimacy as ever, by letting me take the dawg for the day and night. When he came home the next morning, I was wrapped happily round the sleeping boxer and didn't mind at all when Krishna took his place. I could get you back in bed with me in a second, he said. Big fucking accomplishment, I thought, if you want to impress me, talk me into bed with someone I DON'T spend most of my time lusting after. So we shagged a couple of times. Oops. We snuggled after (the boy's got mad snuggle skills) and he rushed to say that this didn't change anything, we were still broken up. I tried to stifle a giggle. Do you think I would start seeing you again? I chortled. Men are like emotionally retarded chicks.
The next day he rang to make sure I understood that there would be no more of that nonsense- we are back to being MATES! Bene, grazie. This phone call came on the heels of my cousin telling me he believes I am a crack addicted prostitute and doesn't want me around his child. Cracking day. No pun intended.
So what now? Drugs? Sure. Sex? Oh, yeah. Writing? Constantly. The only query left is which continent to do it on. I am still definitely feeling Australia however, my ex is buying a big sailboat and has offered me a crew spot for as long as I like. Apparently circumnavigating the globe takes about 2 years. My cousin said I'd probably get into trouble out there and end up in a foreign prison. Like I haven't done that before! xxHMPxx :)