Sunday, December 2, 2007

And then...

Soooo... what followed was alot of sex and a little bit of sleep. Waking up between these two beautiful men that first morning remains one of my favorite memories. Thankful for the time change (giving us another hour), we spent our time wisely- in bed of course. Friends brought coffee and we eventually untangled our bodies so I could get back to my room and pack. I took my "walk of shame" in one of Cri's jumpers, dress and mask in hand, only to find my room locked and friend gone! Yikes! I called the front desk and was informed that my friend, thinking me missing, had called the police and gone out looking for me on foot. Dio! I didn't know what to think but I knew I needed to change and try to find Janos. We had the clerk call the police and inform them of my safety and Cristiano and Matteo took me out looking for Janos. I was very touched by their concern and effort. Along the search, we took a lovely walk along Lake Konstanz. We chatted and held hands all the while shouting into the woods for my dear friend. Unfortunately, the guys had flights to catch and we had looked everywhere we could think of so they brought me back to the hotel. Matteo suggested I just skip out and come to London with him. Yeah, right! I needed to find my friend and go home! Well as I sat waiting for Janos to come back, I discovered that Air France was on strike so we couldn't go home anyway. Matteo repeated his invite and I thought, why not? I was anxious to discover whether the magic we had all experienced was just a fluke or something more...