Wednesday, December 5, 2007

London I

Waiting for boarding, I Skyped my brother/conscience/better self/accountability partner/etc... to tell him I had amended my plans. He was understandably concerned but told me to have fun and call ASAP. Once on the plane I started feeling sick- What the hell was I doing?!! The flight attendant smiled at me as I exited the WC and said, "A little fear is good! Just follow your heart." I tried to calm myself during the flight but there were too many unknowns for me to relax. Would it be the same? What would that mean? If not, who cares- it's an adventure!
I wandered around Heathrow for awhile then tried another uncooperative pay phone. A kind man lent me his mobile and there was my Matteo, stuck in traffic from an accident. When I saw him striding toward me, my skin lit up with fire. There it was- the same magic!! I could've shagged him right there on a bench but instead we went quickly to the flat without taking an unshared breath. We called Cri and he started working on a flight while we enjoyed each other... over and over and over again! Here is something positively lovely about my Cristiano- he was more than pleased that we were having a good time even though he wasn't there. This remains true and it still surprises me. So as it turns out, there were no flights available from Venice to London for the 5 days I was there. We had to be missing each other for the duration. It was still an exciting time and it was during those days that I fell in love...