Thursday, December 13, 2007


We arrived in Venice late at night and it was COLD!! We stayed at the Hotel Dei Dragomanni near the Piazza San Marco. Our room was at the top with a balcony overlooking the Grand Canale and Guggenheim Museum. I was so sick I spent the first two days basically in bed which was fine since Cristiano had to work alot.
During these days, we went to dinner and I got to see the stubborn CriCri. I have a bad habit of not eating when I am stressed and he was having none of it! We were at the osteria enoteca San Marco and I was claiming no hunger because I was sick. When I turned back to him from speaking with a fellow vegetarian who wanted a recommendation, I found the largest bite of pasta ever in front of me. I refused and he started to make a scene so I aqciesced. The guy knows how to handle me! Yes, I ate all my pasta.
His birthday is the fourteenth of November so thank the gods I was feeling a bit better by then. I had to take the vaporetto to meet him and was in quite a cold snit by the time I reached the Piazzale Roma. That didn't last long. When I stepped onto the dock there was my darling, doing a little pleasure jig at my arrival. So sweet! How could I ever be stroppy in the face of that joy? We went to Treviso for dinner and then for a thai massage together. An hour and a half later, I was a noodle!
We were heading to London for the weekend to see Matteo so Cri wanted to do some errands. Of particular importance was moving one of his Harleys to where the other one is being worked on. This would mean I would have to drive the car. No way! Have you seen the way people drive in Italia?! No problem. Cri called his good friend Donatello who came right over to help. What a dear! I was to ride with Donatello so that gave me a chance to practice my rudimentary Italiano. Cristiano reminded me to tell him what I had learned and took off.
Donatello handsomely apologized for his limited English. No worries, I said. I know the basics- ciao, grazie, sono una rizza cazzi... I thought he was going to have a heart attack! Sono una?! Sono una?! Now dear readers, if you do not know this saying... look it up. We had a good ride where I got the history of the region in two languages. Cri drives like demon so we were a little behind. When we arrived, I explained that we would have been there sooner but we had to stop for a shag. Good, he said, was it fun? That's my boy!!
We went to the airport where a jackass shuttle driver ran into us which caused a slight delay and alot of cold for my darling. After such a long ride in the cold, this was not ideal. Once inside the airport, we went to a neat little wine bar. We got some good food and downed a bottle to ease the cold.
To sum up Venezia I have to say it is a beautiful old city and the Picasso in the Guggenheim is not to be missed, the Biennale is amazing, and we had so much excellent shagging that my pussycat was entirely ruined!