Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Alphabet

"Great ability develops and reveals itself increasingly with every new assignment." - Baltasar Gracian

Kent. Beautiful green countryside, huge blue skies, a ton of work, and friendly locals. Algeria- check marked and highly recommended! You may be asking yourself if Gattina is now attacking her list of countries alphabetically. Nope, pure coincidence! So lets look over the last few days. I moved here Sunday and I wasn't supposed to meet my boss until the next morning but she arrived just after me at the house. Her children were there as well to see her after the absence so I skipped off to a pub the boy recommended to watch Italia vs. Espania. An aside- I am sitting in the same pub at this moment and it is so cool, a converted opera house! I got to the pub a few minutes early and picked a table in the center to watch my team. A large group of Spaniards took the table in front of me, put up a Spanish flag, and then proceeded to serenade me in Spanish. They were sweet guys and forgave me my allegiance since I am apparently the only girl ever to care about a football match. By halftime, I had several people sitting at my table, mostly from North Africa and speaking French. The Spaniards found this amusing, as did the Brits sitting next to me that were trying to coax me over to the club next door. Oy! Gattina felt so popular but she just wanted to WATCH THE GAME! I have been really into football and rugby of late. Probably fueled by the memory of Reuben, nude, doing the... ahem.
The man immediately to my right at my table was from Algeria. His name is Murad though he goes by an English name here. Tall, lean, and sweet and a master chef to boot! We exchanged numbers, he walked me home while we smoked a spliff, and...
So this morning as I was trying to wake up and get home from his at 5.00, I saw him bending down to get some trainers and thought: 'My gods, he could be Reuben in 10 years!' So will I ever stop comparing/contrasting my lovers with Roo?! -sighs- I am getting ahead of myself again...
The night after we met, I stayed home with my boss and went for 3 very long walks. The last one I did alone so that I could weep in the trees and brambles. I am not healed from the events of the last months and sometimes, it just takes over. Murad and I decided to meet up last night but first I had to cook dinner for my boss, her daughter, and my coworker. She requested risotto and I was happy to oblige. I also collected lettuces from the garden and made a lovely dill/yogurt dressing and fresh croƻtons. After, I took off to meet my new friend and we ended up on a little tour of Royal Tunbridge Wells that ended at his and included him stealing me a beautiful red rose on the walk. His flatmate is from Pakistan and we had a lovely discussion on music and poetry but Murad wanted to have me to himself so we went in his room. He was passionate and considerate and fucked me in French. I have only two complaints. Number one: he is circumcised and number two: we broke a condom (not his fault but still a complaint- what's the use of me demanding condom use if they just fail?!). After an energetic and enjoyable shag, he made me an omelet! I am always the cook these days so I had forgotten how sexy good technique with a saute pan can be! I loved watching him cook and passed the time texting Valentina and asking him why everyone in this town knows him. He must be a bad man but he is so darling, I don't mind. He lent me a book and put me in a taxi so that I could get home before anyone else got up. I changed into my running clothes just in the nick and went for an hour long run on the trails. Brill!
I think I will go to London this weekend and bricklayer wants to catch up. He dumped his girlfriend so I dunno since I get the scary feeling he's trying to maneuver into position for a blow job. I texted him this yesterday:
"Single's great- more shags & less shit, but u gotta do protection, sweetie! X"
Guess I should also have told him to by extra-strength!